Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Exam

1) Done

2) Finished

3) Complete!

4) My Transformative Photo: "Momo (original)"
This is the first close-up picture I took of one of my bunnies. Although there isn't anything too special about the photo itself from an objective viewpoint, it represents the point in time during this school year when I actually started to enjoy taking pictures for this class. Not only did it influence my photography, it also helped my appreciate the existence of these two lovely ladies more than before. Prior to this event, I did not see any point in trying to take good pictures given my level of skill.

5) Shape involves, as the name implies, geometric or other "shapes" created by the edges of something and the 2-D area within. Form, on the other hand, is 3 dimensional, which means it includes width, length, and height/depth occupied by the components of a photograph. Basically, from is 2-D (area) whereas Form is 3-D (volume).

6) Both rules of composition are intended to create some sort of rhythm and sense of harmony to a picture. Repetition is simply repeating shapes, lines, or colors that create some form of visual unity but not quite enough to be considered "rhythm" or "pattern." However, "Patterns" refers to the repeated use specific elements (lines, shapes, etc.) to thoroughly unify the picture as a whole, or to create a point of interest where part of the photo differs from its symmetrical surroundings. 

7) Movement involves the apparent motion of an object/being in regards to the space surrounding it within a photograph. This can be shown by directional blurs, the effects of wind or other forms of resistance, or if the subject of the photo appears to defy gravity.
As you can see in this photo, due to the unnatural position of her hair as well as the positioning of her body, it is clear that Chandini was turning while I took this photo.

8) Definitely the very last one we had
As you could see, I actually cared enough about doing my project about "a day in the life of my bunnies" to go through the trouble of convincing you approve it, which was not very easy. Also, I would like to mention that what makes my photos different this time was that I did not plan them at all, I saw an opportunity and took advantage of it. I originally would have just posted 5 cute, peaceful pictures of the bunnies lying around idly, but I suddenly felt like recording my struggles while trying (I repeat, TRYING) to somehow capture them. This was more out of irritation at the bunnies for wasting nearly an hour of my life than a desire to make the perfect project. And yet, this way of taking pictures was far more enjoyable for me, and it helped to actually tell a story, which is very different from my other works. Now, instead of intentionally spending time looking for "great picture material," I will occasionally feel inspired to capture an image upon seeing it (although I often have no available camera).

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Project: A day in the life of the Twin Holy Rabbits of Unequivocal Holiness

7:15 AM: I release the goddesses from their prison, replenish any missing nourishment and collect all holy droppings.

12:30 PM: As the midday sun is far to hot, our beauties can be found chillin' under the table.
7:30 PM: I "escort" the ladies back into their "home"-or at least, I try...


7:45 PM: Today was really, really bad. I have no idea why, but it took me nearly 15 minutes just to chase Bubble (who I always get first since she's fatter, slower, and somewhat more obedient). Finally, I gave up the chase and managed to corner her behind a trash bin and scooped her up.
8:30 PM: Officially the worst day (in regards to trapping the rabbits) this school year. Thank god Momo was foolish enought to "hide" behind that same trash bin *kekekekekeke*.
8:33 PM: After taking these humiliating pictures of Momo and Bubble (huehuehuehue), I have returned them to prison! It's my victory!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Project Approval?

For this project I want to do a shoot of a day in my pet rabbits' life
I will shoot pictures of my bunnies at various times of day (sunrise, morning, noon, evening, etc.)
I can get pictures of my pets at various parts of my garden (which have very, very different appearances) as well as i inside of my house, but anywhere else would be too dangerous since my bunnies might escape
Inspired by Carleton Watkins
My 3 rules of composition: Backgrounds, avoid the middle, break the rules.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Best Photos From other People's) Weeblies

Period 1:
This photo surely required significant effort simply accessing the location, and it is of good quality as well.

Period 2:
Who doesn't love picaccios? Also, I like how this photographer focused the picture.\

Period 3:
I chose this picture because it amused me. Also, it stood out from the rest of the photos on this person's website, which I somewhat disliked.

Period 4:
Honestly I thought all 5 pictures were quite nice, simply because this subject was a good choice for a photography assignment (candles in dark places :), since its, well, pretty.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My Photostory

Another pointless week in school.
Everywhere I see kids running;
Students rushing around, like fools.
What a waste of time and money.
The reason why I've stayed behind,
When most others are on the move:
I have other things on my mind,
And more important things to do.
Instead of joining my poor friends,
I silently eat on my own.
Others may hope that it won't end...
...While I am forever alone.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Another **** STORY???? WTF

Multicultural week
What a boring week
I hate this week
I had a lot of fun
It was very fun
Fun rhymes with fun
My friends bought stuff
I bought stuff
I regret buying stuff
This poem is great
My existence is even more great
YOU are not great

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter Speed

  1. Fast;assuming the trucks are moving, to capture them perfectly in a photo you would have to use high shutter speed.
  2. Lines.
  3. Because there are line.
  4. Because lines can be seen.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Best Unity Photo: #22

Photo 22
In this picture, the arrangement of the man, his instrument, and the road created a clear, animate scene. Although the individual parts seem simple, when together they improve the quality of the photo. This photo made the best use of its components to give off an overall impression of unity.



Monday, March 23, 2015

Movie Monday Part 3

  1. "Success" is  an individuals ability to pass its genes to as many members of the next generation as possible.
  2. Not yet.
  3. His first time.
  4. Mr. Young.
  5. Very much.
  6. A lot.
  7. Because he wasn't after the money.
  8. It talked about A.A. discrimination, etc.
  9. Well, he wasn't called the "shaft" for no reason.
  10. His camera (he "shoots" people lol).
  11. "It's not you, it's me..."
  12. "American Playhouse"
  13. Gordon Park's son?
  14. I don't really like any of them, honestly.
  15. How on earth would I remember anything about him in 10 years?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Movie Monday Questions: Gordon Parks

  1. Gordon was supposed to die soon after death, but the doctor managed to save him
  2. Fort Scott, Kansas
  3. That very few Negroes go to college
  4. 15
  5. The streets
  6. Eventually...(when he was older)
  7. Taking photo shoots of models
  8. A fatal error in photos caused by light exposure
  9. Heavyweight boxing champion
  10. Piano
  11. To chronicle the dark side of Chicago's South Side
  12. To take pictures, such as American Gothic
  13. Photographer from the FSA
  14. Gordon's imagination
  15. Many things

Friday, February 20, 2015

Multimedia Poster

The new poster (on right) is better because it does not have weird empty spaces and has better positioning.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Movie Monday Questions:The Photo League

  1. "Struggle against and expose reactionary film"
  2. Frontier Films
  3. A gathering of photographers and a photo exhibit
  4. Kanaga
  5. There is no such project. Life is too short!
  6. Important photo collection of Harlem during the Great Depression
  7. Aaron Siskind
  8. Picasso
  9. They had a surreal appearance
  10. A child labor photographer
  11. A street photographer of crime scenes
  12. They began to focus on the details of war life
  13. Their focus changed due to the aftermath of the war
  14. He began looking for the positive aspects of life
  15. A magazine that chronicles American history
  16. A photographer of modern dancers
  17. Accused as a communist organization
  18. The accusations of communism
  19. Louis Steffrer
  20. It stopped recruiting and slowly died out

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Period 1 Semester Final

  1. My favorite is photo #7 because I personally enjoy photos of colorful, glow in the dark objects. Also, it gives off a very clean feeling due to the lack of impurities. My final reason for choosing this photo is that I cannot clearly see any people or any of the filth associated with our species.
  2. Photo #1 is probably the "best," since it clearly required the most preparation. it is a rare sight in comparison to the others and probably took somewhat more skill to achieve the correct timing.
  3. My best work is definitely my self-portrait, since it is a picture of my face taken by me and edited by none other than yours truly. how could anything else in my blog post compare?      Self Portrait
  4. My 3 rules were: Avoid the middle, Backgrounds, and Break the rules.
  5. I used "Avoid the middle" and "Backgrounds" to add spice to this image: I darkened the background to draw out their appearance, I avoided the middle to prevent either person from being the center of attention.
  6. The 'Rule of Thirds."
  7. Working in a group allows students to compare the quality of their work with one another, keep track of deadlines, take pictures of one another, and provide much needed company for one another during class. However, the one most important task that only group members can do for one another is waking up individuals who have fallen asleep during lectures.
  8. The difficulties of working in a group (Or at least in my case): Helping one another takes extra time, always staying together can lead to unproductive and time consuming conversations, less diligent individuals may become a burden on more serious members, or maybe having too much dead weight may cause a dedicate person such as myself to slack off occasionally. In the end, nothing good comes out of working together with smelly adolescent guys; Nevertheless being alone would be far worse.
  9. Gurbaaz Brar's "Depth of Field" assignment. It was a picture of me, of course.         GURBAAZ
  10. My master photographer was Eugene Atget. Eugene took pictures of the street life in Paris. His photos helped show the world the harshness of reality.
  11. The "Migrant Mother" was taken in 1936 in Nipomo, California. Duining that time Dorothea was employed by the Resettlement Administration.
  12.  1936.
  13. January 6, 1935.
  14. Magnum, which was founded in 1947.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Velvet Underground & Nico (Album Cover Imitation)

To imitate the album cover, I used a picture of an ordinary banana, and with some light editing, turned it into a masterpiece that surpasses the original.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Animated Bird

An original masterpiece by James Qiao.

Masters of Photography Project Reflection

        I believe that my project shows the amount of effort I put into my work as a student and represents how seriously I take all of my schoolwork.Over the past few months in this class, I have learned about various master photographers and their greatest works. Also, I gained some experience from taking photos.Working in a group usually prevents me from missing deadlines or even entire assignments. UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS being in a group helps to ensure quality and completion.If, and only if, by some unfortunate accident I am placed in a group with many students less motivated than me, I will be obligated to help them with their assignments. In such cases, I would be better of working alone.If I had known that we had so much time in class after thanksgiving break to work on my project, I would not have rushed to complete my work before the apparent "deadline".